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The Parish Council normally meets ten times each year (excluding August and December) at 7pm* on the last Wednesday of the month in Morston village hall on Quay Lane.

*It is best to check the Agenda as the start time occasionally varies depending on the tide.


The May meeting is the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, when the Chairman for the coming year is elected.

The Annual Parish Meeting normally precedes the Annual Council Meeting in May.


Everyone on the Electoral Register is welcome to the Annual Parish Meeting and may both speak and vote at it.

Everyone is welcome at Meetings of the Parish Council and tea and biscuits are served half-an-hour before each meeting starts. Only Councillors are legally entitled to take part in the debate and vote, however, we encourage comments from audience members whenever possible. This is, however, always at the discretion of the Chairman.


Please note that Minutes are “draft only” until approved at the following meeting.

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